Cities Association Mental Health Awareness Initiative 

The CASCC was established in 1990 as an unincorporated association to replace separate meetings of which many of the same people were attending (Mayors meetings, City Selection Committee, and a meeting with the County/Cities). CASCC has collected dues since that time and has hired an executive director to coordinate these activities. The goal of the organization has remained to work collaboratively on issues that don’t stop at a city’s border.

Since the founding of the Cities Association, each city of the association has an equal voice and vote and collaboratively work to provide a unified voice. Our guiding principle remains to promote cooperation among the cities and advocate for positive action and enhance the quality of life for the residents of our county.

Our success includes the formation of clean choice energy/Silicon Valley Clean Energy, minimum wage policies, age friendly communities, single use bags, healthy cities initiatives, Santa Clara Santa Cruz Community Roundtable (SCSC Roundtable), and a Planning Collaborative.

Typically, the Board meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7PM.  Exceptions are:

  • no meeting in July
  • General Membership Events in May and December. General Membership includes all elected officials of the 15 cities and management
  • Meeting agendas, minutes & videos are under the website’s “meetings” tab
  • Membership event information under the website’s “events” tab

The agenda is set by the Executive Board. If there is a topic you and your city would like to be discussed, please contact Andi Jordan, Executive Director &/or the President.  The Executive Board will discuss at the next opportunity. Items must be received preferably a week before the executive board meeting in order to agendize according to the Brown Act.

Yes, the Cities Association abides by the Brown Act as its members and financing come from the 15 cities (public agencies) of Santa Clara County. The Cities Association Brown Act Committees are noticed at the location site and the Cities Association website.  Cities Association Board of Directors, Executive Board of Directors, Cities Selection Committee, Legislative Action Committee follow the Brown Act.

Yes, the Cities Association must comply with public records request. Using your city email address for communications is recommended.

Cities Association Meetings (Executive Board Meetings, Board of Directors Meetings, Cities Selection Committee Meetings, Legislative Actions Committee Meetings or any other Brown Act committee) are open to the public.

Yes, the meetings are open to the public so several members of the same jurisdiction may attend.  However, only one member may participate and vote for the jurisdiction.  Public comments are always allowed.

The CSC is a standing committee of the Cities Association and is also created by California government code 50270 statute.  In any county in which two or more cities are incorporated there is a city selection committee for the purpose of appointing city representatives to boards, commissions, and agencies as required by law. The membership of each such city selection committee shall consist of the mayor or the mayor’s designee of each city within the county.

The CSC meets prior to the CASCC Board of Directors Meetings as needed.

What is the Legislative Action Committee (LAC)? LAC is a standing committee of the Cities Association and reviews legislation and makes recommendations to the CASCC Board of Directors. LAC Meetings are held as needed prior to the Board of Directors Meetings.

Each city appoints one member and one alternate to the Board of Directors, Cities Selection Committee, Legislative Action Committee.  Per the Association by-laws, the Executive Board is elected yearly (in November) by the Board of Directors.  In many of the cities, the Mayor makes the appointments annually.

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