Cities Association Mental Health Awareness Initiative 

What’s New! October Update

Posted on October 26, 2021

The Board of Directors met virtually on Thursday, October 14, 2021 from 7-9 PM. Here’s a wrap up of the meetings.  Board Members and Alternates, please feel free to use this when reporting out to your Councils!

Agenda [click here]


Consent agenda was approved which included:

  • Approval of September meeting minutes
  • Received September financial statements
  • Approval of invoices for the SCSC Roundtable
  • Approval of holding future meetings utilizing zoom per AB 361


Racial Justice Committee Report was endorsed by the Board. The Report Includes a menu of options for each city to consider:

  • Affordable Housing
  • Public Safety Reform: Rebuilding Trust with the Community in collaboration with the Santa Clara County Police Chiefs Association

These considerations are meant to inspire your councils to expand affordable housing options and public safety reform.

Committee Report [in agenda packet, page 29]

Presentation Slides [click here]

Our appreciation to the leadership of Vice Mayor Jones (San José), Mayor Neysa Fligor (Los Altos), Mayor Rich Constantine (Morgan Hill) who led the committee.  In addition, Members of the committee included Mayor Marico Sayoc (Los Gatos), Mayor Larry Klein (Sunnyvale), Councilmember Margaret Abe-Koga (Mountain View), and Steve Preminger (Santa Clara County, Office of the County Executive)


National Domestic Violence Awareness Month: received presentation by Women of Silicon Valley, Ruth Darlene, Executive Director.  Women of Silicon Valley is a non-profit based in Los Altos which serves women who are involved with a powerful sophisticated abuser. The presentation introduced the problem and the resources that are available.

Presentation slides [cick here]

National Bullying Prevention Month: Unanimously approved resolution that the recognizes the month of October as National Bullying Prevention Month, and calls on all community members, as well as our own local agencies, to take every necessary step to prevent bullying in Santa Clara County, the State of California, and the nation and encourages each of council to do so.

Resolution [page 65 of agenda packet, click here]

Code of Conduct [page 67 of agenda packet, click here]


Planning Collaborative Update: received update of activity of the SCC Planning Collaborative:

  • Workplan Update (discussion of REAP)
  • Let’s Talk Housing
  • New Laws
  • Feedback from Board

Presentation slides [click here]


Nominating Committee: Per the bylaws, the nominating committee (Sayoc, Jones, Abe-Koga) presented the slate of candidates for the 2022 Executive Board:

President: Vice Mayor Chappie Jones (San José)

1st Vice President: Councilmember Margaret Abe-Koga (Mountain View)

2nd Vice President: Mayor Neysa Fligor (Los Altos)

Secretary/Treasurer: Mayor Rich Constantine (Morgan Hill)

Past President: Marico Sayoc (Los Gatos)


The election of officers will be in November 2021 Board of Directors Meeting.

Staff report [agenda packet 88, click here]

Executive Board Slate of Candidates [agenda packet page 90, click here]


SCCCMA Report: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager of Los Gatos, reported out on discussions and activity of the City Managers. The City Managers are monitoring vaccination rates, COVID-19, reopening plans.


Executive Director Report: Jordan reported:

Experts will share community feedback and insights, water supply projections, and information on water conservation tools and resources that we can use to lead our communities through this crisis. 

  • What staff and the Executive Board is working on:
    • Organizational status!  30 years ago, the Association was formed as an unincorporated association.  Since 2017, the Board has directed staff to work towards changing the Cities Association organizational status. This work has included hiring of several law firms, a tax expert, working with the IRS with  support of our Congressional Representatives.  At the same time, the scope of the Cities Association collaboration among members is growing. At the August 13, 2020 Board of Directors meeting, the Board directed staff to create a JPA.

[August 2020 Organizational Status Report, click here] 

[August 2020 Board of Directors meeting, agenda and video, click here]

    • Budget: The President, Treasurer, and Executive Director have been working on a mid-year budget update and decisions on what the future of the CASCC will look like as a new JPA.
    • Life Moves has been invited to meet with the Board in November.
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