Cities Association Mental Health Awareness Initiative 

What’s New! November Update

Posted on November 15, 2021

CASCC’s Legislative Action Committee and Board of Directors held meetings Thursday that were chock-full of informative presentations and discussion. Here are some highlights.

Legislative Action Committee (6-7pm)

Click here for agenda/packet

2020-21 Legislative Year-in-Review by Senator Dave Cortese

SB 9 Presentation from Planning Collaborative

Board of Directors (7-9pm)

Click here for agenda/packet

Plan Bay Area 2050 Presentation by Bay Area Metro Staff Dave Vautin, AICP

MTC Update from Councilmember Abe-Koga (Commissioner for SCC Cities)

FY’22 Budget Update

The Board voted to approve the Executive Board’s recommendation to take a two-step approach to amending the budget:

  1. If the SCSC Roundtable decision at their November 11, 2021 meeting leaves a remaining balance of expenditures to be reimbursed, direct the Executive Director and President to assess the SCSC Roundtable member cities.
  2. Should there be a continued balance of SCSC Roundtable expenditures to be reimbursed after the assessment of SCSC Roundtable member cities, then assess the CASCC member cities in the first quarter of 2022.

Recording (click here to view)

Election of Officers

A new Executive Board was elected.

  • President: Vice Mayor Chappie Jones (San José)
  • 1st VP: Councilmember Abe-Koga (Moutain View)
  • 2nd VP/Legislative Action Committee Chair: Mayor Neysa Fligor (Los Altos)
  • Secretary-Treasurer: Mayor Rich Constantine (Morgan Hill)
  • Past President: Mayor Marico Sayoc (Los Gatos)

The Board expressed support for diversifying the representation of cities, especially smaller cities, on the Executive Board when the opportunity arises in future elections. The new President, Vice Mayor Jones, stated that he would reach out to all Board members to schedule a meeting with him to discuss their thoughts and goals for the coming year, and invited them to reach out to him as well.

Recording (click here to view)

SCCMA Update from Town Manager Laurel Prevetti (Los Gatos)

  • SCCMA heard presentations from SCC Leadership academy on economic recovery and innovative strategies + strategies for the unhoused
  • Current topic = vaccine mandates, waiting for additional guidance from Cal/OSHA

Recording (click here to view)

Executive Director Update from Andi Jordan

  • Received contract proposal from ABAG for continuing REAP funds for the Planning Collaborative’s work around the housing element. Will be reviewed by legal counsel and voted on next month.
  • Received letter from Supervisor Simitian regarding Measure B (click here to view)

Recording (click here to view)

Joys and Challenges

The Board held its regular end-of-meeting discussion on joys and challenges our cities are facing.

  • Mayor Fligor (Los Altos) thanked the Chair, congratulated the new president, and uplifted Los Altos’s successful first-ever Veteran’s Day celebration.
  • Councilmember Chao (Cupertino) and Mok (Los Altos Hills) spoke on the issue of racial discrimination.

Recording (click here to view)

Announcement during public comment:

  • Mayor Gibbons (Campbell) gave a call to action to support Supervisor Ellenberg’s ARPA priorities for the business community, shared resources from a “New Housing Laws, Programs and Funding” presentation by the Institute for Local Government and League of California Citeis, and shared information on SCC and state-level redistricting. She later shared these resources via email correspondence. (click here to view)

Recording (click here to view)

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