Cities Association Mental Health Awareness Initiative 

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The Cities Association of Santa Clara County Planning Collaborative which includes the fifteen cities and the county offered comments to the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) and Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) on the Draft Blueprint for Plan Bay Area (PBA) 2050. As a general vision for the future growth and evolution of the Bay...

Here it is ... Zoom-side Chat Episode 3. In Episode 3,  Assemblymember Kansen Chu of California District 25 joins Legislative Action Committee Chair Neysa Fligor (Vice Mayor, Los Altos) to discuss the legislative session.  Hear about what Assemblymember Chue is reading and how he is connecting with his constituents during COVID-19 We'll discuss economic recovery,...

It's our second Zoom-side chat.  The recording worked this time, but we lose the host for a few minutes due to connectivity issues.  Regardless, we think you will enjoy our continuing conversations with our legislators. In Episode 2,  Assemblymember Evan Low of California District 28 joins Legislative Action Committee Chair Neysa Fligor (Vice Mayor, Los...

Legislative Chair, Vice Mayor Neysa Fligor welcomed Senator Jerry Hill of California Senate District 13. Senator Hill has been the Mayor of San Mateo and Member, San Mateo County Board of Supervisors. He serves as the chair of the Senate's Labor, Public Employment and Retirement Committee and the Subcommittee on Gas, Electric and Transportation Safety....

Legislative Chair, Vice Mayor Neysa Fligor welcomed Senator Jerry Hill of California Senate District 13. Senator Hill has been the Mayor of San Mateo and Member, San Mateo County Board of Supervisors. He serves as the chair of the Senate's Labor, Public Employment and Retirement Committee and the Subcommittee on Gas, Electric and Transportation Safety....

Date and time: Date and time: 2020-08-07 03:35 pmLocation: Zoom MeetingDepartment: Executive Board: August 7, 2020AgendaMeeting Registration here * 6 toggle mute and unmute *9 to raise your hand 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♂️Agenda packetMeeting Registration here * 6 toggle mute and unmute *9 to raise your hand 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♂️Date and time: 2020-08-07 03:35 pmLocation: Zoom MeetingDepartment: Executive Board: August...

Date and time: Date and time: 2020-08-07 03:00 pmLocation: Zoom MeetingDepartment: Executive Board: August 7, 2020Date and time: 2020-08-07 03:00 pmLocation: Zoom MeetingDepartment: Executive Board: August 7, 2020Date and time: 2020-08-07 03:00 pmLocation: Zoom MeetingDepartment: Executive Board Closed Session: August 7, 2020

Date and time: Date and time: 2020-08-13 06:00 pmLocation: Zoom MeetingDepartment: Legislative Action Committee: August 13, 200AgendaZoom Meeting Registration here * 6 toggle mute and unmute *9 to raise your hand 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♂️Agenda packetZoom Meeting Registration here * 6 toggle mute and unmute *9 to raise your hand 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♂️Date and time: 2020-08-13 06:00 pmLocation: Zoom MeetingDepartment:...

Date and time: Date and time: 2020-08-13 07:00 pmLocation: Zoom MeetingDepartment: Board of Directors: August 13, 2020Date and time: 2020-08-13 07:00 pmLocation: Zoom MeetingDepartment: Board of Directors: August 13, 2020AgendaZoom Meeting Registration here * 6 toggle mute and unmute *9 to raise your hand 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♂️Agenda packetZoom Meeting Registration here * 6 toggle mute and unmute...

Date and time: Date and time: 2020-08-13 06:40 pmLocation: Zoom MeetingDepartment: City Selection Committee: August 13, 2020AgendaZoom Meeting Registration here * 6 toggle mute and unmute *9 to raise your hand 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♂️Date and time: 2020-08-13 06:40 pmLocation: Zoom MeetingDepartment: City Selection Committee: August 13, 2020AgendaZoom Meeting Registration here * 6 toggle mute and unmute *9...

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