Cities Association Mental Health Awareness Initiative 

November Board of Directors Meeting Update

Posted on November 8, 2018

In case you missed the November Board of Directors meeting:

Senator Jerry Hill spoke about the upcoming legislation and asked for questions, perspectives, problems. . items of discussion:
  • Pressure on school districts and local control on school districts
  • Early childhood education focus of governor
  • Transportation
  • SB 50 was mentioned and the negative impact on Schools
  • One size fits all approach doesn’t work for our cities (small city versus large city)
  • CCAs


Transportation Committee (new models to fund transportation):

Mountain View City Manager Dan Rich presentedBusiness License Tax November 2018 Ballot Measure P which included the process of evaluation, adoption, and council action to place 2 taxation measures on the November Ballot. Mountain Views business license fees had not changed since 1954 and generated $250,000 with most businesses paying only $30.  City evaluated a restricting to generate up to $10 million.  Currently, the election results are showing a 69% approval of the proposed restricting of business license fees.

Cupertino Deputy City Manager Jacqueline Guzman presentedEmployer Based Revenue Measures: Restructuring of the Business License Tax”.  Cupertino experienced 35% in workforce since 2009, 75% commuting from single occupancy vehicles, and community wide survey of 2017 indicates traffic is the number one concern. Some council members felt that major employers creating traffic issues should share in the cost of the solution.  Cupertino began following Mountain View’s path, but in a condensed time-frame.  In the end, Cupertino decided to wait.  Lessons they learned:  take your time, develop a spending plan, build relationships with business, election timing is crucial.

Housing Committee:

Vianey Nava, Housing Trust Silicon Valley presented “Small Home, Big Impact, Accessory Dwelling Units”.  Housing Trust Silicon Valley is the local Housing Trust Fund for Santa Clara County by helping everyone – – homelessness, renters, first time buyers with affordable housing needs. Housing Trust is looking to partner, engage, and assist.


Islamic Networks Group (ING) presentation:

Maha Elgenaidi, Executive Director & Raania Mohsen, Community & Civic Engagement, introduced ING’s mission as pursuit of peace through education, interfaith and intercultural engagement. With the currently climate of growing bigotry, ING dispels stereotypes and works toward preventing hate and discrimination.  ING has programs, speakers bureau, & online resources.  ING is available to partner and work with the Cities Association and members with events and public forums or Cultural Competency for staff retreats.  Rob Rennie motioned to send a support letter to ING on behalf of their 25th Anniversary.  Second by Steve Tate.   Roll call vote:  13-0

Yes: Sinks, Pepper, Waldeck, Rennie, Phan, Craig, Tate, Showalter, Scharff, Jones, Davis, Cappello, Klein.

City Selection Committee Appointee Report:

Rod Sinks presented Cities Selection Committee Appointee Report for BAAQMD on behalf of Liz Kniss and himself.   Topics discussed:

  • Evolving Tech for Air Quality Monitoring & odeling
  • Protecting Human Health
  • Protecting Climate
  • Mitigating South Bay Odors


Nominating Committee (Sinks, Klein, Showalter) presented their slate.

  • President: Manny Cappello, Saratoga
  • 1st Vice President: Pat Showalter, Mountain View
  • 2nd Vice President: Larry Klein, Sunnyvale
  • Secy/Treasure: Marico Sayoc, Los Gatos
  • Legislative Action Committee Chair: Chappie Jones, San José

Steve Tate motioned to elect the slate of candidates as presented.  Burton Craig seconded the motion.

Roll call vote:  13-0

Yes: Sinks, Pepper, Waldeck, Rennie, Phan, Craig, Tate, Showalter, Scharff, Jones, Davis, Cappello, Klein.


Public Comment: 

Omar Chatty, a veteran, was disturbed by the recent shooting in Thousand Oaks and so he invited and introduced his friend Kathy Waddell with Operation Freedom Paws to share about her organization.

Kathy Waddell spoke briefly about Operation Freedom Paws, to empower veterans and individuals with disabilities by matching a veteran who may have PTSD to a canine.


Executive Director Report – Andi Jordan announced:

Annual Holiday/General Membership Dinner
Friday December 7, 2018 6-9 PM
Picchetti Winery, Cupertino

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