Cities Association Mental Health Awareness Initiative 

Category: SC | SC Roundtable

KCBS on SC|SC Roundtable

Counties Band Together To Battle FAA Over Airplane Noise KCBS RADIO: ON-DEMAND  THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH An alliance formed by Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties to address airplane noise has finally taken off. KCBS Radio reporter Mike Colgan says the thinking is the union will have more clout when it comes to negotiating noise issues … Continued

Santa Clara | Santa Cruz Community Roundtable is set to launch!

The first two meetings of the Santa Clara | Santa Cruz Community Roundtable are scheduled: Wednesday, February 27 1PM – 3PM Santa Clara County County Government Center 70 West Hedding Street, 1st Floor San Jose, CA 95110 Wednesday, March 27 1PM – 3PM Santa Clara County County Government Center 70 West Hedding Street, 1st Floor … Continued

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