Cities Association Mental Health Awareness Initiative 

Board of Directors asks VTA to honor voters will on 2016 Measure B

Posted on January 23, 2021

At the January 14, 2021 Board of Directors meeting, the Cities Association Board of Directors unanimously approved to express our strong views that the Valley Transportation Agency (VTA) Board of Directors adopt a balanced 10-Year Funding proposal for 2016 Measure B revenues that
addresses our Countywide needs for traffic relief, road repair, and transit development. (vote: 14-0-0-1 vote Los Altos Hills absent).

As VTA performs the analysis and calculations necessary to return to the Board of Directors with a
recommended 2016 Measure B 10-Year Outlook Scenario this Spring, we express our collective and strong
view that any projected 10-year spending plan must ensure that in addition to investment in BART, we
must see:

  • annual funding for local streets and roads countywide;
  • funding for transit operations;
  • funding for a range of capital projects—including bike and pedestrian improvements, Caltrain
    grade separations and capacity improvements, highway interchanges, County expressways, and
    State Route 85 corridor improvements—that can provide traffic relief throughout our County, as
    they become shovel-ready.

We oppose a delay of meaningful capital investments to non-BART infrastructure. We will also urge a
balance of Measure B projects regionally that ensure a robust transportation network throughout our

We further urge the VTA Board of Directors to keep the faith with our voters, as reflected in the funding
principles and criteria established for Measure B, and thereby ensure significant progress along each of
Measure B’s articulated Countywide priorities within the next decade.

Click here to read letter [LINK]

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