Cities Association Mental Health Awareness Initiative 

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Planning Collaborative 03.18.2020 COVID Call Summary Notes

The following are COVID-related policies and resources including template documents, guidelines/information, legislation and executive orders, call summaries from COVID focused Planning Collaborative calls, operating procedures, eviction moratoria, and electronic resources. To add additional resources to this page, please email  Template Documents for Deadline Extensions Model Order Extending Local Land Use Deadlines (April 17, 2020)....

Santa Clara County Planning Collaborative The Santa Clara County Planning Collaborative is a shared effort among the county's jurisdictions to help address the region's housing challenges. The jurisdictions, by working together collaboratively, save money, time and resources by sharing information and capacity; maintain & facilitate relationships with non-profits, affordable housing advocates, and key governmental organizations;...

Because Santa Clara County Health Department continues to revise guidance around community gatherings to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, the Cities Association of Santa Clara County is canceling the Legislative Action Committee and the Board of Directors meetings on Thursday, March 12.  Don't forget to wash your hands!  Questions?  Contact Andi Jordan, Executive...

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