Cities Association Mental Health Awareness Initiative 

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Summary review of HCD comments on Housing Elements submitted from other jurisdictions throughout the state to identify common pitfalls and make recommendations about how Bay Area jurisdictions can craft policies to meet AFFH goals.

Reports for each jurisdiction in the ABAG region, produced in collaboration with UC Merced Urban Policy Lab.

5 page document explains impacts of AB 686 on Housing Element process.

Watch here. Produced by ABAG and U.C. Merced. (5 min)

Required XLS file for inputting your sites inventory for submittal as part of your Housing Element. Housing Element Sites Inventory Form (XLS file)  

Date and time: Date and time: 2022-05-06 03:00 pmLocation: Zoom MeetingDepartment: Executive Board of Directors: May 6, 2022Agenda Attending the Meeting Members of the public wishing to attend may click HERE to register for Zoom meeting. After registering, you will receive an email from Zoom with instructions on how to connect to the meeting. The meeting...

Data on development costs in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties for both single-family and multi-family housing.

San Diego Housing Element Policies and Programs AFFH metrics and milestones.

Summary of Housing Element Review Letters – Learning from Southern California & Sacramento. ABAG technical memo.

Goals, Programs, & Programs Matrix, developed by Urban Planning Partners. Excel doc, April 2022.

Scope of Work by the Lawyer’s Committee, contracted to provide AFFH technical assistance to the collaborative.

AFFH Products Outreach discussions. See meeting notes here.

Programs to Rezone- ABAG technical memo. March 2022. Pdf.

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