Document Types: Planning Collaborative
Engage How To! Introduction to Remote Engagement Webinar Recording and Slidedeck
A 2 hour webinar produced by ABAG covering the basics of online public outreach. Watch the recording here.
Funding for Multilingual Outreach
ABAG has funding up to $1,000 for each jurisdiction for interpretation or translation services. Fill out the form here.
Multilingual Meetings Best Practices
ABAG-produced one-pager with vital tips.
Needs Assessment Checklist
A one-page checklist produced by Cascadia Partners.
High Resources Areas Q&A (recording)
In January 2022, MTC-ABAG organized a High-Resource Areas Question and Answer Session with HCD to answer jurisdiction staff questions. Topics included HRAs, including implementation strategies, distribution of affordable housing, expectations for single-family vs multi-family areas, ADUs, SB9, community engagement strategies, lot sizes. See the recording.
AFFH Policies Annotated Bibliography
Document that aggregates existing housing policy resources which help identify goals, policies, and actions to address a range of fair housing issues.
Segregation Reports
Reports for each jurisdiction in the ABAG region, produced in collaboration with UC Merced Urban Policy Lab.
AFFH Template Staff Report Slide Deck
AFFH Template Staff Report
5 page document explains impacts of AB 686 on Housing Element process.