Housing California website
Housing California website
Housing California website
Hosted by SV@Home. See the presentation recording here. See the slides here.
See the call notes here.
This document provides sample language that jurisdictions can employ in your Housing Elements to illustrate key ways that ADUs and Junior ADUs will be incorporated into your plans to increase housing affordability in your community.
Access the calculator here.
This memo offers an analysis of possible constraints to new housing in Santa Clara County based on local fees and processing times. For more resources see the Constraints section of the Cities Association Planning website: citiesassociation.org/constraints/
ABAG drafted housing needs sections for every jurisdiction. These are available on the HESS site. We suggest this goes in your appendix.
Miro or Mural are tools for virtual whiteboards. Collect feedback and ideas from meeting participants in real time.
Mentimeter is an online tool for creating word clouds.
ABAG’s Social Media Toolkit helps jurisdictions communicate with their residents about Housing Element updates.