Cities Association Mental Health Awareness Initiative 

Document Types: Legislative Information

2021-03-11 Legislative Action Committee Bill Information

SB 7 (Atkins): Environmental quality: Jobs and Economic Improvement Through Environmental Leadership Act of 2021 Bill Text (link) Senate Floor Analysis (link)  ABAG/MTC Staff Report (link) Mayor Liccardo Testimony in Support (link) SB 10 (Wiener): Planning and zoning: housing development: density. Bill Text (link)  ABAG/MTC Staff Report (link) AB71 (Rivas): Homelessness funding: Bring California Home … Continued

Zoom-side Chat: Episode 1 with Senator Jerry Hill

Legislative Chair, Vice Mayor Neysa Fligor welcomed Senator Jerry Hill of California Senate District 13. Senator Hill has been the Mayor of San Mateo and Member, San Mateo County Board of Supervisors. He serves as the chair of the Senate’s Labor, Public Employment and Retirement Committee and the Subcommittee on Gas, Electric and Transportation Safety. … Continued

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