Cities Association Mental Health Awareness Initiative 

City Selection Committee Appointment

Metropolitan Transportation Commission

Current Appointee

Hon. Margaret Abe-Koga, Mountain View - Term expiring 2/2023


MTC was created by the California Legislature in 1970 to plan, finance and coordinate the Bay Area’s transportation system. The Commission's scope over the years has expanded to address other regional issues, including housing and development.



  • Twenty-one Commissioners — 18 of them voting members — are the decision-makers at MTC and represent all of the nine Bay Area counties. They shape policies to guide transportation and development in the Bay Area, and fund projects and programs to turn those policies into reality.
  • The Commissioners also serve as the policy board for several MTC-affiliated agencies, including the Bay Area Toll Authority (BATA), the Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways (SAFE) and the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA).
  • 17 of the 21 commissioners are local elected officials: county supervisors, mayors or city council members.
  • Alameda and Santa Clara counties each have three representatives, one selected by the county Board of Supervisors; one selected by the mayors of the cities in each county; and one appointed by the mayors of the counties’ largest cities — Oakland and San Jose.


Commissioners serve concurrent four-year terms while the chair and vice-chair are elected every two years. The current term began in February 2019, and ends in February 2023.


  • The full Commission typically meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month, convening as MTC as well as BATA, and sometimes as SAFE or as BAHFA.
  • Standing committees meet monthly, typically in the second week of the month. These committees forward recommendations to the full Commission in the form of numbered resolutions.


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