Cities Association Mental Health Awareness Initiative 

City Selection Committee Appointment

Bay Area Air Quality Management District


Current Appointees

Board of Directors Seat 1 - Term expiring 2/1/23

Hon. Rob Rennie, Los Gatos

Board of Directors Seat 2 - Term expiring 1/1/23

Hon. Sergio Lopez, Campbell


The California Legislature created the Air District in 1955 as the first regional air pollution control agency in the country. The Air District is tasked with regulating stationary sources of air pollution in the nine counties that surround San Francisco Bay: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, southwestern Solano, and southern Sonoma counties. It is governed by a 24-member Board of Directors composed of locally elected officials from each of the nine Bay Area counties, with the number of board members from each county being proportionate to its population.


Appointment Information


Each member appointed by the City Selection Committee shall hold office for two years and until the appointment and qualification of a successor pursuant to Section 40222 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California.


The Board of Directors oversees the Air District as it develops policies, plans, rules, permits, enforcement, outreach, and grant programs to protect air quality, public health, and the global climate.

The Air District’s Board of Directors is made up of 24 locally elected representatives from 9 Bay Area counties. Each county’s population determines the number of representatives on the Board, as follows:

  • Marin and Napa: 1 representative each
  • Solano and Sonoma: 2 representatives each
  • San Francisco and San Mateo: 3 representatives each
  • Alameda, Contra Costa, and Santa Clara: 4 representatives each

The Board has 7 standing committees that assist the District in its mission. Rules and  regulations are adopted by a majority of the Board, with public hearings required before rules are changed or adopted.


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