Cities Association Mental Health Awareness Initiative 

Airport Land Use Commission

City Selection Committee Appointment

Current Appointees

Seat 6 - Term expiring 5/6/2024

Hon. Lisa Matichak, Mountain View (Proxy: Robert Holbrook) -

Seat 7 -Term expiring 5/6/2024

VACANT (Hon. Glenn Hendricks, Sunnyvale terming out of office)


The Airport Land-Use Commission (ALUC) was established to provide for appropriate development of areas surrounding public airports in Santa Clara County. It is intended to minim​ize the public's exposure to excessive noise and safety hazards, and to ensure that the approaches to airports are kept clear of structures that could pose an aviation safety hazard.

Website & Meeting Schedule

Appointment Information


The term of office of each member shall be four years,  ending on the first Monday in May of the fourth year. Terms of office shall be determined by the appointing bodies pursuant to Section 21610 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of California.


The Commission shall be composed of seven (7) voting members selected as follows:

  1. Two (2) representing the cities, appointed by the city
    sel-ection committee; at least one, and preferably both,
    of these members must represent a city adjacent to an
  2. Two (2) representing the county, appointed by the Board
    of Supervisors.
  3. Two (2) having expertise in aviation, appointed by a
    committee comprísed of the aviation director of the San
    Jose Internationaf Airport, the director of Palo Al-to
    Airport, and' the director of the county roads and
    airports department.
  4. One (1) representing the general public to be selected
    by the other six (6) members of the Commission

Each member, upon appointment and taking the oath of office, shall promptly appoint a single proxy who shall take the oath of office and file conflict of interest reports with the clerk of the board.



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